Data Validation Pipeline Design
We develop a custom data validation pipeline to screen all incoming datasets of different type like text, image, 360image, 3D models and geo-tagged point cloud in order to locate invalid or corrupted data automatically before injecting to database.

BIM to CityGML Data conversion
Converting Solid-model-base BIM data (IFC) to Polygon-model-base CityGML data require sophisticate multiple data conversion. In addition, data optimisation and geo-spatial re-projection are always required to make to data usable and database-friendly.
2D to 3D conversion
3D Pedestrian Network (3DPN) dataset from CSDI public data is a good example of 2D to 3D conversion. The downloadable 3DPN dataset are in Vector format, it is a simple 3D vector multi-line. Basically OpenGL have not line representation and therefore the vector datasets required to convert to 3D road-like geometry to be able to visualise in true 3D environment.
Beside converting the 3DPN vector base dataset to 3D, we also rebuild to whole 3D topology of the road network which allow us to perform 3D path finding algorithm for search shortest path between two locations.